Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend 08 BBQ

Scary how life changes so fast. I mean, it is absolutely awesome where we are today, but it doesn't seem that long ago that parties we hosted and attended started in the mid afternoon and went until the middle of the night. Now, my wife and I are in our mid (ok...LATE) 30s and most of our friends have children too. By 7PM the food was gone, most of the beer was still around and the kids were asleep in their car seats while the parents packed up to go home.
The men pitched horse shoes, the kids played with bubbles and sidewalk chalk, and the women...well, I know they were there...I'm sure they did something fun too. 8-)
Chris insists he is a grillmaster. And I have to say, when we saw the grill...we got a little nervous from all the flames coming out and the stainless steel all glowing and such...but the burgers came out perfect.

Monday, I actually got out on my Hobie Cat for a few hours in the Morning, then we all played in the sand in Long Beach for a few hours. While I can see the water from my front yard, I still miss living at the beach. In my 20s, I would go running on the beach with my dog. I grew up in the West End of Long Beach/East Atlantic Beach and could see the ocean from my bedroom window as a kid. I knew how lucky I was, even back then.

1 comment:

Vee said...

I hate that I am not their for the parties!!